Canadian Centre for Intellectual Consultancy
Toronto – Canada

A platform To Promote Canadian diversity and conflict resolution culture
Building Inner Bridges and Resolving Conflicts of the East

Vision and Premise

Immigration to Canada has intensified over the last two decades, especially after the Canadian Parliament passed legislation to facilitate immigration and asylum in Canada, as well as lifting Canadian citizenship restrictions for refugees and migrants that who meet the required conditions.
The history of immigration in Canada is long. Since its foundation and the confrontations that preceded its national independence, and the difficult journey of its social experience, through the drafting of the Constitution and the charter of rights documents. This constitutional reference represented a legal basis for the Canadian authorities and society.
This constitutional liberation and social culture helped create an environment of peace and diversity among Canadians that included a broad mosaic of backgrounds and cultures ranging from indigenous Canadians (Aboriginals ), European settlers who founded modern Canada, African Canadians, migrants from Latin America and Asia, and the various parts of the Middle and Near East, Arab and non-Arab.
Although this culture is in itself an essential common ground for creating a unified social and national identity for all Canadians, securing a legal path, protecting the individual and children and cultural identity, and besieging the multiple racist rhetoric, Yet Canada faces several racist challenges, left unaddressed, may have dire consequences. Furthermore, human rights record for minorities , especially for indigenous people, is still far away from social justice equality.
At the same time, this diversity legacy, and its adoption in a broad societal discourse, from the institutions of the provincial and federal governments, the Canadian Parliament, civil society organizations, and other institutions, has created a human ethical spirit, bringing people together on the bases of solidarity and compassion, mutual respect for the ideas and convictions of individuals. This provides an excellent foundation for creating an action plan, which transforms this national space into an active movement on the common ground between Mosaic of Canada starting from Canada to the world

The Platform tracks

As a contribution from the Canadian Center for Intellectual Consulting, and its founder, independent Arab researcher Muhanna Al-Hobail, we decided to launch a cultural dialogue

platform in two main paths to contributing to the success of the basic values of the Canadian people and state, and strengthen Canada’s position in the world, especially the regions of the East and the Arab world. as Canada is one of the most important countries welcoming immigrants from these regions

The first path
Supporting and enhancing the concept of Canadian Mosaic (the racial, religious, and cultural diversity of Canadians), especially the critical challenges emerging on the divisions in the East, and some of its conflicts. Therefore, the platform will organize a round-table dialogue sessions, the goal of this round table is to build cultural and social bridges to address some of the social blockages between some parts of the Canadian people mosaic. We at the platform refuse to politicize these differences , or link them with the crises in the East, which will jeopardize the values of a united Canada. This path will also seek to reinforce the open dialogue communication channels with the rest of the Canadian mosaic, especially the indigenous people, and the western Canadians, and the African Canadians, adopting the principle of acquaintance, friendship and kindness, as a gateway to the Canadian society

The second path
Conflict Resolution and People Diplomacy for a New Canada
Several western countries, have scored , relative or total, of successes in creating peaceful dialogue platform to promote peace and conflict resolution in the Arab world, and the East in general. They also helped in settling civil wars and bloody internal political conflicts, in some Arab countries. These internal conflicts are one of the main reasons for destruction in the East and the world. These are also the cause of the eruption of multiple racist disputes in other parts of the world today, creating, therefore, an environment for violence and counter-violence.
The Goal of the conflict resolution platform is to organize specialized debates, inside and outside Canada, and propose a series of practical propositions that will help establish a roadmap for conflict resolution. It will also facilitate seasonal reconciliations around human rights in the Arab world, which is the most painful aspect of the humanitarian situation in the Middle East.
Since resolutions cannot be achieved without an intellectual foundation that will be the provide basis on any serious dialogues , not to unite people over ideological convictions or political stands, but to bring them together to a common space of shared human values and objectives and minimize the sphere of conflict.
The role of the state of Canada, in this regard, is important and central. Through its partnership, Canada can lead the new world in winning the people diplomacy thus giving Canada the presence it should have in the discussions around global crisis. Canada can utilize its national diversity , Its ability to welcome immigrants from several nations and countries and integrate them as the basis for workshops where Canada is viewed as the new diplomatic force that champions conflict resolution for people of the world rather than fueling war and the interests of the arms trade.
We, in the Canadian Centre for Intellectual Consultancy, are aware of the earlier efforts by Canadian Arabs and many others who took interest, intellectually and culturally, in this path. We are also aware that our resources are extremely limited, yet we know that providing hope and peace to the oppressed and the deprived war victims of war is a great goal regardless of how far it maybe , This may yet be the first step in a thousand-miles journey.
We are determined to focus our efforts on the widest possible opportunities for debate and practical guidance. Our work will focus on discharge social congestions that may spread inside Canada, and pave the way for the culture of debate to settle disputes and secure projects and management initiatives to be adopted by the Canadian diplomacy, decision-making and the responsible decision making centers. These debates and dialogues will be launched following co-ordination with the interested parties who welcome the participation. They will be scheduled according to the chances available and the cultural evaluation.
We very much welcome any suggestions in the regard, hoping that this initiative will be another success to be added to the efforts achieved, in the past, by the Canadian Arab presence, for the good of Canada and its all-embracing national community and its constitutional principles.