Categories: English

Muslims of The West & Social Apartheid.. Their Challenge for Rights

A translated article previously written by Muhanna Al-Hubail:

Muslims of The West & Social Apartheid.. Their Challenge for Rights

Human rights crises have increased for western countries and their Muslims citizens in diaspora recently, with the rise of the far-right, on both parts, intellectual violence towards Muslims, and the political utilization of intellectually violent rhetoric in western societies against Muslims, for being Muslims. And here, we are in need of an important introduction in this regard, it is that the equation of civil rights that the west has accomplished, after a long civil struggle, with political authorities, of the Caesarean reigns and absolute monarchies, and the role of the church and its religious speech to oppress individual rights, and philosophical and scientific thought, has evolved to active constitutional articles in the modern state layout.
From these constitutional articles, refugees from the southern hemisphere and multiple countries in the Muslim east have benefited, and a great many of them have been fortunate to be granted the right to seek refuge and citizenship, under the blanket of rights and transparency, and have become nowadays a part of the national fabric, and the social segments of western countries. In turn, this role in civil progress cannot be denied merit, even if the path of preference, political and philosophical evaluation, are a standing fact that cannot be omitted.
The product of western countries for the benefit of global peace in its true meaning for all of humanity, especially the southern hemisphere that was subjected during the eras of socialism and modern liberalism of the west and the capitalist United States, to a systematic seclusion, political defeat, and economic dominance, which evolved to the savagery of supporting political coups and dictatorships, or even directed inner wars in that world designated to be southern.
It could never be accepted that ethnic selection, or the demographics of the north, to be a definitive authority of social philosophy and the history of nations and people, or that issues of criticism and evaluation be debated in the shade of these precepts, but rather by redefining the crisis of humanity, and the effect that the heritage of each nation, along with its religious, social or national rhetoric inflicts on itself or its surroundings.
It is also crucial to understand the difference between philosophical source and human experience, and the history of sequential knowledge and civilizations of humanity. It is here that we can judge or theorize where paths of progress excelled, and societal security including familial welfare and individual dignity, and this equitable discourse was not ever given an adequate independent platform, nor was it given enough room in international debate and its global platform, nor in the discourse among people of different nations with the fall of equal opportunities, between elected governments in the west and the oppressed people of the east.
Evaluation of benefits in the civil experience of modern western countries needs a vision that breaks issues down, not mere media propaganda that entirely praises the west, even if its intellectual and constitutional successes have been proven, but rather where it stands today and where is that future in which we observe for glimmers of the empowerment of social justice and its progress, and its inclusion of all ethnicities and economic classes that modern western countries are comprised of, and how we understand issues of conflict that flare up nowadays, and waves of economic depression that hit a wide array of people, and the recurrence of separatist sentiment, and the crisis of preserving a constant future for the European Union, and how we understand the take-over of the monetary & capitalist machine of the union in America, along with the Christian ecclesiastic concept of the white race, and its success though Trump and his administration, in leadership of the largest global capital in the west, without empowerment of the social justice concept, even after the struggle of Martin Luther King, Jr. to cease it and end its influence, and the ferocious savagery on people who immigrated to the United States in eras of the past.
All these issues cannot be omitted in the abstract dialogue of humanity, for no other reason that the east lives under the oppressive systems of dictatorships. Because of that, opinions of any eastern or leftist socialist platforms cannot be accepted, when employing or propagandizing extreme sexuality, those that leftist powers have delved into, and have become one of the sources of pressure, and oppression of Muslims in the west, instead of the concept of rights and social justice.
This is where we enter the heart of this article, the rise of both, extreme right, and extreme sexuality (a cultural movement opposing family values, calling for emotional cruelty towards parents, rejecting the emotionally and sentimentally integral relationship between the two genders, on the basis of exemplar conflict idea of the movement, between male and female with disregard to religion or moral doctrine) stand no more near the convictions of Muslim citizens in the west, with respect to orientations and beliefs of all cultures and individuals, and abiding the law, and the constitutional & co-operative partnership, for every civilian culture in the west. Acceptance of this human ideal has increased , and there is eagerness, even though the means are weak and some obstacles have been imported from the east, in decreasing its rapid cultural spread in Muslim circles, meaning that the monologue of Muslims in the west today is that we are western citizens abiding the constitution, and preserving our Islamic identity according to its articles, and our differences with any movement or religion does not forbid communication and solidarity for the benefit of the new nation we belong to.
It is not enough anymore to have a coalition of the right and extreme sexuality. Even though these two movements are at conflict, yet the unite in besieging Muslims in the West, and this is conflict of cultural civility & political philosophy, as the origin of consolidating the culture of civil society is that rejoice in this spirit of respect and solidarity to accomplish a better future, to their nation, and the relationship of their generations. Here lies the threat of pressuring behavior to oppress Muslims to implicitly cast aside their beliefs in Islam, and criminalizing the values of the east in family & childhood, values that are based upon love & mercy, without deprivation to any human, man or woman, and without justifying any oppressive behavior practiced in unhealthy social or religious cultures in the east against women, but it does not diminish the positive life that reinforces familial love, and the enlightened individual mind of Muslim youth.
Rejecting this constitutional civil balance for the citizenship of Muslims in the west, and the elaboration on projects coercing them and no other, even if not officially declared, for the purpose of their acknowledgment that “their Islam” is backwards as absolute Islam, and not only the deviance of preachers, and instilling in them the feeling of primitive inferiority regarding them as belonging to the Muslim east, poses a profound political crisis that impedes integration of Muslims in civilian constitutional life, so is this a prologue to seclude Muslims in a social apartheid? And what is the available civil method to struggle against this racialist thought?


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