Why we fast?
Muhanna Alhubail
In our world today we need a strong and an independent thinking base than can isolate us from the dominant narrative around us. A truly thinking bubble so we can analyze how we evolve in the world and how the world evolves around us.
What is happening today from the excessive materialistic view of world and how dominant is the well to exist through the pleasure lens alone and nothing else. This fake existence is created by 3 elements that are indeed an existential threat to the deep meaning of the human life which created in part the modern day extremism:
1- There is a real international project to overthrow morality in its two dimensions, the cessation of injustice and benevolence among people, and the virtue and compassion that take care of the world of the self and its bridges with its surroundings, and impose on people’s lives its perceptions of the morals of the market, the market in which people are wanted to be in endless self-destructive run.
2- this constant endless run marginalize our spiritual existence and keeps the mind in the loop of your pleasure and materiality. No room for the deep only important questions, and definitely no time to hear the unavoidable ultimate answers.
3- the third one, is the severe destructive effect in creating societies where their fabrics are the materials interests and not the actual human value.
establishing a moral system for them to control the market and not for human survival, yet this system fails to even control the market eventually and its structure falls on the people and its interests. And who is there to pay the price but the individual ?
And here we turn our head to fasting. how such a simple and a straightforward ritual has the ability to disconnect you completely from your fake existence And to be in touch with the true essence of your soul and being. Fasting philosophy in Islam is what make you finally stop running in the endless pleasure loop. And gaze into the universe and truly be a part of something that rise above all materialistic pleasures. And while you realize your inattention to Allah it hit you while you feel the hunger and ask yourself: why have I needed to be full all the time ?
Here we ask what is life and is there a way to be happy with it without being extravagant on myself, and to maintain my health instead of accumulating food, and what about those hungry around me or from around the world?
Why the link between our hunger and the incentive to give more during Ramadan ?
Because it links your hunger with charity to others, remember here that charity and feeding include Muslims and others, remember, “There is a reward for every one with a moist liver.”
this means that in the frightening moment of our surrender into the world of capitalist savagery, the heavenly speech of God surrounds us with his mercy on us and the kindness of the mercy of creation in our thinking.
Fasting was in other religions before us, and it was not in Islam alone. because the Lord is one and the one who created these bodies is one.
We will not overcome the crisis of the injustice of this world without extending our hands to the wretched. and making the sacred secret of fasting, for it is a special link to your relationship with your Creator, as it is an act that is not necessarily announced among people.
It is a season from the Lord, a gift from the Creator, and wisdom from the All-Knowing. not because of our hunger, nor because of His need, the Mighty and Sublime, to stop us from periodic pleasures, but to purify our souls so that we can come out of the false world of injustice and shine in our conscience the lights of truth.
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